Brief 1 – Process


Barbara Kruger (1987)
Barbara Kruger (1987)

“Appropriation in art is the use of pre-existing objects or images with little or no transformation applied to them.”

“Appropriation has been defined as “the taking over, into a work of art, of a real object or even an existing work of art.”

For my first task, I have taken existing images and media texts and formed new photographs to create new concepts. To create these appropriated images, I have used magazine clippings and photos off of the internet to create new ideologies and meaning. Below are artists I have explored and my responses to each artist.




Pinterest has been a prime source for my research and influences, as it explores a range of different types of ‘Appropriation photography’. Using the website, I have been able to create a pin board of many different artists to steer my ideas. I am looking at photo montage, particularly bizarre and controversial photographic collages. I also like the idea of creating a new scene out of clippings and images, making a whole new reality.

Sammy Slabbinck

Slabbinck is an Belgium artist who creates photo montages by manipulating vintage photographs with contemporary clippings. Many of her collages have an hyperbolic approach, which hold connotations of humor, sarcasm and randomness.

My response


To create images responding to Slabbink’s work, I used the internet as well as magazines I own. I used objects to replace certain areas of the image. My favourite image is the one of the woman sat on the burger. I scanned the photo into Photoshop and then added the burger into it. On the vintage ‘Brigitte Bardot’ poster, I used food items to cover certain parts of the body. The food act as innuendos to represent sexual parts of the woman’s body.

Erin Case

Erin is an artist associated in the United States and she is regarded for the “marriage of surrealism, sincerity, and evocativeness that is present throughout her body of work.”  I enjoy the way she creates a new image by putting together magazines and locations Her montages also have an element of texture, as she uses layers. 

My response


Inspired by Erin Case, I tried two different ways to create my reinvented photographs. The first two in the gallery are what I physically made using paper and glue. Using a travel magazine, I cut out the scenery in the shape of the subjects body/face and then stuck it on top of the editorials and advertisements. The other two photographs are what I made on Photoshop. I deleted parts of the subjects’ faces and body parts and replaced it with photos of different locations such as waterfalls and buildings. I think these photographs are simple to create and they can be made in a diverse range of ways.

Adam Hale

Adam Hale’s approach to appropriation in photography is rather different to the other artists above. There is use of space surrounding the subjects within the image, therefore creating a central focus for the audience to concentrate on. By not using the rule of thirds, the collage in the middle is prioritized. Unlike Slabbink who uses vintage posters and images, Hale’s photo montages are  more modern. What I like about these collages, is the fact that they’re simplistic, yet interesting to look at.

My response


Using a similar approach, I made my own appropriated photographs using magazine clippings and combined them with photos off of the internet. Following from Hale’s theme, I used flowers, cityscapes and modern objects to create collages. For my first image, I physically cut the photo, to split the model’s head open. I then scanned the two sections in to create a space between her mind and head. Using Photoshop, I added the flowers to represent her brain, reinforcing possible connotations of her personality or ways of thinking. The main reason I enjoyed creating these montages the most is because they reflect what I enjoy – they look ‘pretty’ overall.

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